Scaling agile in five minutes

Business operations are like children. Firstly, they have a tendency to grow something that creates unexpected situations. Secondly, they are all different. The manager or parent who tries one size fits all solutions is bound to fail.

Continous Delivery på 5 minuter

Continuous Delivery – för dig närmare kunden Continuous Delivery, CD, är en metodik som bygger på: individuellt ansvar för kvalitet, automatisk testning samt korta cykler med snabb och kontinuerlig återkoppling.

Secure Coding in five minutes

Security issues are increasingly important in the IT world, both for developers and users. Burying your head in the sand is just as counterproductive as being paranoid. Instead we should keep the discussion alive as to what is a reasonable level of security within our organization, our projects and for ourselves as indi- viduals. At the same time there are of course practical steps we can take that can achieve a lot through relatively little sacrifice.

This publication can serve as a basis for internal discussion about how you and your colleagues can develop security within your organization

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